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A tribute to Charlotte and Wilbur

Reading has been a lifelong passion of mine. I started out young in life, way back in Kindergarten and Grade 1, far surpassing the expected number of Dick and Jane books assigned. In Grade 7, I read 100 books and was awarded membership of the Super Reader’s Club (that photo is here somewhere…).

I read during class, during recess, during lunch, after school, and even while walking home from school. Dad put up a monkey bar in our back yard, and I read while sitting atop. We went to an NHL hockey game, and in the bleachers, I read. Camping? Yup, reading, on top of the houseboat Dad built, never wanting to stop for a swim or even for food. To this day, most of the time, I read.

The front cover of the Charlotte's Web book.In Grade 2, I read Charlotte’s Web. It was a challenge! My mom suggested I underline words that I didn’t know, and then bring them to her all at once for an explanation. While I carry very few physical books with me anymore (having moved 27 times and now living in a trailer, it’s just not feasible), I still carry that copy of Charlotte’s Web, underlined words and all.

So when my friend and colleague Ken Gagne took his afternoon walks to a new level in San Francisco, I suggested he take on a challenge in true Charlotte’s Web style. As you can see from the photo above, he did not disappoint!

Sidenote: Ken lives full-time as a digital nomad, travelling from Airbnb to Airbnb following a variety of interests. His style of living and sense of adventure have been a huge source of inspiration for me, and his blog is well worth a follow. Check him out, and subscribe here.

And don’t forget to also subscribe to my blog (see the sidebar or below), so you don’t miss any of my updates!


1 thought on “A tribute to Charlotte and Wilbur

  1. Fantastic.

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