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Nashville, WCUS, and Gutenberg – all the excitement!

It’s just another Thursday, right? Well, not in my world. (It is Thursday, though, right?) Right now I am sitting in the Toronto airport, my flight to Nashville delayed. I am heading to WordCamp US (WCUS) – the biggest gathering of WordPress folks, held on an annual basis.  I’m going as a volunteer, but I’m…

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Adding custom functions to your website

Sometimes, when you are editing a website, you will come across php code snippets that you can use to edit your WordPress/WooCommerce website’s functionality. Until you’ve practiced this a few times, the first question will be, “Where do I put this?” There’s an easy answer, but it requires a bit of thinking things through. There…

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Abbotsford earns a place in Automattic’s Hall of Shame

parody logo of abbotsford with poop emoticon

Automattic, the company I work for, has a mission: to democratize publishing – and one of the ways it does it is with the open source software, WordPress. In other words, because of WordPress, virtually anyone can use the same software to build their site as the large news corporations, and can therefore speak their mind openly…

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