I’ve recently been testing out a new tool, called Roam Research, and it’s changed my relationship with my brain.
“Roam Research Is a science backed mind outliner currently In beta. Instead of a conventional hierarchy based workflow, each idea or topic is a page. each page is linked to each other to form a network of interconnected ideas, not unlike the format of the brain,” says Wikipedia.
It’s still in Beta, and it’s currently free to use. To start, you sign up for a free account. Then, I got started by jotting down notes in my daily pages, and linking these with tags and internal page links – that’s super easy to do on the fly.
Pretty soon, I started to see how amazing this tool is, and now, I spend a good chunk of my day using the tool. I am taking notes about my daily activities, time tracking, using it for task management, and storing code snippets that I need to refer back to often. It’s easy to search, and finding something for a reference is pretty much instant.
It’s becoming my second brain, and the more I use it, the more I want to use it. I’ve tried it all – from Bear to Evernote – and I really think I’ve found my home in Roam.
Some great articles on getting started:
- Roam: Why I Love It and How I Use It
- How to use Roam Research: a tool for metacognition
- A beginner’s guide to Roam Research: getting started in 5 easy steps
I highly recommend you try it out! And, as always, if you want to chat me up about this or anything, please do!